The Ghost of Christmas Past: Glowing Backyard Terds ~~~~~By Adeline Kovae’~~~~~ As I climb into bed on this chilly December evening the fluorescent green glow of the dog poop in the back yard brings a smile to my face. It reminds me of the fun of Christmas day and the living room battlefield inspired by [...]
JetWetters: Washington D.C. or Bust
The Perfect Storm: A Trip to D.C. with My Children and a Grumpy Walrus ~~~~~~ by Sarah Lolley~~~~~~ Sometimes my logic amazes me. When my husband received the opportunity to attend a recent industry meeting in Washington, D.C., I insisted that we must all go…two toddlers, a baby, and our Confederate Jew grandpa. The idea [...]
The Village: Election Issue
Early Education and Child Care: Obama vs. Romney Before my mother became a single mom, I was fortunate to have experienced a stay-at-home mom before the d-word (divorce) sent my mom back to school. Then we moved to be closer to an entire village of relatives that became my extended parents. My granny’s house was [...]
Good-Bye Bar Crawl! Hello Neighbors!
Finding our new home….. The first time I really left good ol’ Kentucky (for good, not just a paternal visit) I was enraptured, transfixed, and spellbound by both the cityscape and the carnival of people in my new neighborhood. Pittsburgh’s South Side was a sanctuary of collegiate bars and stoop-sitting fogies. I instantly fell in [...]